Sunday (22nd in Ordinary Time): First Reading was Deuteronomy 4:1-2. Responsorial Psalm was Number 14 "The just will live in the presence of the Lord." Second Reading was James 1:17-18, and the reading from the Holy Gospel was Mark 7:1-8. The Service next Sunday(23rd in Ordinary Time) is at 9.30am. The mid-week service (Feria) is at 9.30am on Thursday.
REMINDER - As part of the Crossroads Mission there will be a United Benefice Mass at St Andrews on 13th September at 9.30am when the guest preacher will be the Bishop of Whitby.
A drop-in session is held at the back of church between 10.00am and 11.45am every Tuesday for anyone wanting information about the church, its activities, or simply for a natter and a cup of coffee. The tote will be drawn at 11.30am. PLEASE NOTE that there will be no coffee morning on 1st September as there will be a funeral taking place in church.
This is to be held at St Andrews Community Centre on 5th September - details are given on the poster see (previous blogs). All donations (cakes,toiletries etc) for the stalls would be appreciated.