Sunday (4th of Easter): First Reading was Acts 4:8-12. Responsorial Psalm was Number 117 "The stone which the builders rejected has become the corner stone." Second Reading was 1 John 3 :1-2, and the reading from the Holy Gospel was John 10:11-18. The Service next Sunday (5th of Easter) will be at 9.30am. Please note the mid-week mass (St George) is on Thursday 30th April at 9.30am.
The weekly drop-in session continues to be held in the meeting area at the back of the church between 10.00am and 11.45am every Tuesday for anyone wanting information about the church, its activities, or simply for a natter and a cup of coffee. Last weeks Tote winner was number 371.
This yearly event is from Ascension (Thursday 14th May) until Pentecost (Sunday 24th June).There are some leaflets in church for guidance on prayer during this time.

Saint Catherine of Siena
Born March 25, 1347 Siena, Republic of Sienna
Died April 29, 1380 (aged 33) Rome.
Venerated in Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Communion, Lutheran Church.
Canonized in1461, by Pope Pius II
Feast / Commemoration April 29; April 30 (Roman Calendar, 1628–1960)
Attributes: Dominican tertiaries habit, lily, book, crucifix, heart, crown of thorns, stigmata, ring, dove, rose, skull, miniature church, miniature ship bearing papal coat of arms patronage, against fire, bodily ills, miscarriages, people ridiculed for their piety, sexual temptation, sick people, sickness,