Sunday 8th June. The first reading was from Acts 2:1-11. The responsorial psalm was 103 "Send forth your spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earth." The second reading was 1 Corinthians12: 3-7,12-13.The gospel was John 20:19-23 The next service is Feria 9.30am on Thursday 12th June and the following Sunday - The Most Holy Trinity, is at the usual 9.30am. Parish Hall: There will be a coffee morning on Tuesday 10th June from 10.00am where the tote will be drawn. Last week's lucky winner was share no.331. Other News: The is a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Egmanton organised by SSWSH on Wednesday 16th July at 7.30pm. including a Mass, devotions and faith supper. See the poster in church for more details. The next Parochial Church Council meeting is to be held on Monday 14th July at 7.00pm. |