There will be a special Ash Wednesday Service at 9.30am.
The service next Sunday (1st of Lent) is at 9.30am
The winner of last weeks Tote was number 5.
Before Simon Peter and Andrew became apostles they were fishermen. Jesus found a new direction for their personal gifts and their life experience: he made them “fishers of men”. Each of us is called in whatever way God intends for us, to follow his Son and in the power of the Holy Spirit, to discover our vocation and to pursue it day by day.
Father Richard
First Reading: Isaiah 6:1-8 A reading from the prophet Isaiah. In the year of King Uzziah’s death I saw the Lord seated on a high throne; his train filled the sanctuary; above him stood seraphs, each one with six wings Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 A reading from the first letter of St Paul to the Corinthians. In the first place, I taught you what I had been taught myself, namely that Christ died for our sins, in accordance with the scriptures; that he was buried; and that he was raised to life on the third day, in accordance with the scriptures; Gospel: Luke 5:1-11 A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke. Jesus was standing one day by the lake of Gennesaret, with the crowd pressing round him listening to the word of God, when he caught sight of two boats close to the bank. The fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. . | Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 137 I thank you, Lord, with all my heart, you have heard the words of my mouth. Before the angels I will bless you. I will adore before your holy temple. Response: Before the angels I will bless you, O Lord. I thank you for your faithfulness and love which excel all we ever knew of you. On the day I called, you answered; you increased the strength of my soul. Response: Before the angels I will bless you, O Lord. All earth’s kings shall thank you when they hear the words of your mouth. They shall sing of the Lord’s ways: “How great is the glory of the Lord!” Response: Before the angels I will bless you, O Lord. You stretch out your hand and save me, your hand will do all things for me. Your love, O Lord, is eternal, discard not the work of your hand. Response: Before the angels I will bless you, O Lord. |