Sunday 3rd August (18th In Ordinary Time). First Reading Isiah 55:1-3. Responsorial Psalm was 144 "You open wide your hand O Lord. you grant our desires". Second Reading Romans 8:37-39. Gospel: Matthew 14:13-21.
The Service next Sunday - the 19th In Ordinary Time, will be at 9.30am. The mid-week Service (St Ignatius) is on Wednesday 6th August at 9.30am.
Parish Hall:
The coffee morning will take place as usual from 10.00am on Tuesday 5th August. The Summer Fayre will be held from 9.00am on Thursday 7th August - there will be the usual goodies on sale as well as tombola and refreshments.
Other Events:
The Brass Band concert held on 31st July proved to be very successful. We enjoyed a good attendance, so much so that it became very warm in church, not a problem that we usually have to contend with. The band played music ranging from the Beatles back to the First World War. David Hardy sang some solo verses after which the audience joined in. The Second World War songs encouraged the audience to sing enthusiastically and the evening was finished off with a rousing rendition of Jerusalem.
First World War A vigil was held on Sunday evening and an open prayer session on Monday morning. This was supported by a display depicting local involvement - photos below:-