Sunday 22nd: First Reading was Genesis 9:8-15. Responsorial Psalm was Number 24 "Your ways, Lord, are faithfullness and love for those who keep your covenant." Second Reading was Peter 3:18-22, and the reading from the Holy Gospel was Mark 1:12-15. The Service next Sunday (2nd in Lent) will be at 9.30am. The mid-week service (Feria) on Thursday 26th Feb will be preceded by the Stations of the Cross at 9.15am.
Another reminder to note the study of the Book of Job, to consider through prayer and discussion the message contained in this most challenging of writings.Please note no prior knowledge is needed. This commences on 26th February after Feria and continues on 5th March, 11th March, 19th March and finally 26th March.
The drop-in session last week welcomed Helen from the Barnsley Chronicle. It was again well attended throughout the morning by both both young and old. A nice report was published in the Chronicle last Friday along with several photos.. Please call in for a natter and a cup of coffee this coming (and every) Tuesday. Last weeks Tote winner was number 236, the draw will be made this week during the drop-in session at 11.30am.