Sunday 1st: First Reading was Genesis 22:1-2. Responsorial Psalm was Number 115 " I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living." Second Reading was Romans 8:31-34, and the reading from the Holy Gospel was Mark 9:2-10. The Service next Sunday (3rd in Lent) will be at 9.30am. The mid-week service (Feria) on Thursday 5th Mar will be preceded by the Stations of the Cross at 9.15am.
Another reminder to note the study of the Book of Job, to consider through prayer and discussion the message contained in this most challenging of writings.Please note no prior knowledge is needed. These sessions continue after Feria on 5th March, then 11th March, 19th March and finally 26th March.
The weekly drop-in session continues to be held in the meeting area at the back of the church between 10.00am and 12.00 noon every Tuesday for anyone wanting information about the church, its activities, or simply for a natter and a cup of coffee. Last weeks Tote winner was number 51.
Lovely hand-made cards (see examples below) are also on display these can be purchased at the drop-in session, alternatively one-off cards for special occasions can be requested, all proceeds to church funds.