The teaching of Jesus made a deep impression because he taught with integrity. Such was his focus on the will of God that he was free from the kind of distractions and double standards that can so easily cloud our response to God. Today we can allow those teachings to make a deep impression on us and we can be sure that they also have the power to reach the hearts and minds of those who until now have not believed.
First Reading was Deuteronomy 18:15-20. Responsorial Psalm was Number 94 "O that today you would listen to his voice! Harden not your hearts." Second Reading was 1 Corinthians 7:32-39, and the reading from the Holy Gospel was Mark 1:21-28. The Service next Sunday (5th in Ordinary Time) will be at 9.30am. The mid-week said service (Feria) will be Thursday(5th Feb) again at 9.30am.
Please note that as from 1st February 2015 the Parish Hall is no longer available for functions. After many years service to the community first as a school-room and then as a parish hall, the building will (subject to confirmation) make way for the proposed wider re-development of Hoyland.
However there will be a weekly Drop-in session at the Church each Tuesday between 10.00am and 12 noon for any-one wanting information about the church, its services or simply for a chat and a coffee. This will commence from 10th February onwards.As the Mission action plan develops it is hoped that in the future the church building may be able to be used more widely for the benefit of the community. Last weeks Tote winner was number 15.
NB the church will be open Tuesday 3rd Feb from 10.00am but only for a very short time as there is a funeral service taking place later that morning.
The next meeting of the Mission Action Planning Sub-committee is scheduled for Tuesday 3rd February 2015 at 7.00pm.