Sunday (Harvest Thanksgiving): First Reading was Wisdom 7:7-11. Responsorial Psalm was Number 89 "Fill us with your love that we may rejoice." Second Reading was Hewbrews 4:12-13, and the reading from the Holy Gospel was Mark 10:17-30. The Service next Sunday (29th in Ordinary Time) is at 9.30am. The mid-week service (St Teresa of Avila) is on Thursday at 9.30am.
A drop-in session is held at the back of church between 10.00am and 11.45am every Tuesday for anyone wanting information about the church, its activities, or simply for a natter and a cup of coffee. The church itself will be open at the same time for anyone wishing to view or simply sit for a few moments in quiet reflection. The tote will be drawn at 11.30am, last weeks winner was number 236.
The next meeting will take place on Monday 19th October at 7.00pm