As you will know, our country has entered the fourth stage of the journey out of lockdown. This means that most public freedoms have been restored. However, the virus remains among us and local rates of Covid are still high.
Public buildings, including churches, have to make their own risk assessment as we move forward. It is important that we do continue to move forward and that we do so with a healthy balance between our concern for safety and our desire to worship freely.
With this in mind, we ask everyone for the foreseeable future to continue to wear face coverings in the building, to maintain a safe distance from others and to use the hand sanitiser provided.
For the time being, there will be no congregational singing or sharing of the sign of Peace. Communion will also continue in one kind only.
These arrangements will be regularly reviewed and we move forward step by step over the coming weeks. Updates will be provided. The pandemic will not last forever, and by the grace of God we shall in time be free of its constraints. In the meantime, thank you for your understanding.
Fr Richard